Friday, July 2, 2010


Couple of years ago I discovered the art of making fan films or videos.  I developed a hobby for creating these fan films from my passion for various TV shows.  I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on video editing, the types of software available to the public and how to upload them to various video sharing website.

There are many file sharing websites to choose from besides YouTube.  My Web 2.0 tool of choice is Vimeo. Vimeo ( is a really good place for the serious film maker looking to showcase their work. Vimeo is one of many social network video sharing sites.  Much like the other video sharing sites, Vimeo is strictly for user made films and not for commercial use.  Vimeo allows you to upload and share videos of any format.   

One thing I like about Vimeo is that it’s easy to use and has a nice layout. Other great features of Vimeo is that it enable a user to create groups, share projects with other users, and allows your facebook followers to connect with you to view your work. The downside to using Vimeo is that it will allow you to only upload one HD video per week and the site is not entirely free.  The free accounts are nice but limit the amount of space for your videos.  I like Vimeo overall because it has the highest quality of video footage.  Please check out my 30-second video below featuring a light ray tool in which it creates a sunburst like effect applied to text in using my favorite video editing software!

This video is also available on vimeo! 

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